Today, we’ll take a break from the hectic world of commercial cleaning to note this season’s last day for the Back Mountain Farmer’s Market, Dallas, PA.
Here in Northeast Pennsylvania, there has been a real revival of family owned farms along with the farm to table movement.
The Back Mountain Farmer’s Market is representative of that movement. Each Saturday, rain or shine, a bunch of family farms set up and offer the fruits of their labor to the public. Week in and week out, the Combat Cleanerz team was consistently amazed at the variety and quality of their products.
Unfortunately, seasons change and yesterday was this season’s final Saturday. While we will regret not being able to make our Saturday visits for meat, eggs, produce, bread and apples, all is not lost. Some of the vendors will be setting up on Saturdays at the Back Mountain Library! We here at Combat Cleanerz greatly appreciate the efforts made by the organizers and farmers behind this event.
Remember, no farms, no food.