Let's be honest. No job is easy.

Work is……..well, it’s work.  Some days we should all get awards just for showing up!

However, the pain of work is negated if you are working with a group of people who want you to succeed and achieve whatever goals you have. 

If you just want a part-time job that helps you pay your rent or your mortgage, great. 
Let’s Do It! If you are going to school and you need to generate extra cash to pay for gas or books, great.
Let’s Get There! 

There are a million reasons why each one of us works and it really helps when you’re part of an organization that works with you and not against you.

At Combat Cleanerz, we’ve made a ton of mistakes over the years but the one mistake we will not make is to underestimate the contributions of our Associates. 

Below are a few comments from some of the great Associates who have worked with us over the years.

Combat Cleanerz provided an outstanding work environment. Its management is committed, fair, and concerned with the well-being of its employees. Their investment in these principles created an atmosphere within which I felt supported and bolstered to do the work required of me, and to the best of my abilities. Combat Cleanerz is a company with a laudable ethos, and which extends downwards to all its employees.

- Andrew M.

Some people may wonder, "How could working for a cleaning company possibly enrich your life?" Well, it can and it did. To start, Mike did something for me most business owners/managers would NEVER do. He gave a freshly turned 18 year old girl with more colors in her hair and tattoos on her body than jobs on her resume, a chance. He let me prove to him that he wouldn't regret it. It didn't take me long to realize how the business was run. Mike & Elayna are on the front lines with you. They set an example of hard work that makes you want to work just as hard. You will never be asked to do something they would not do themselves. They exude true passion in every endeavor. Passing the buck is not this business' motto. Not only that, but they give their employees every chance to succeed. Going above and beyond for this company is always praised and rewarded. They will also try to involve your personal interests in company activities. You love to write? Write a news article for their letter. In my case it's baking. They commissioned me every year to make cupcakes for our accounts. I loved that that was a part of work. Like I said they allow you every chance to succeed. When the opportunity arose Mike offered me a supervisory position, which I graciously accepted. He trusted my judgement and never let a voice go unheard. He encouraged everyone to have a say and was always there to help you work through a problem. Mike taught me how to lead and communicate with employees. These lessons have become great assets in my life. Until one day came where it was time for me to take my leave. It was with an extremely heavy heart that I left the company to pursue goals more suited to my career path. This situation was not taken with offense, yet they encouraged me, wished me well and sent me off with a touching letter of recommendation. It was a fantastic experience with truly amazing people. If any company deserves praise and great success it is Combat Cleanerz.

- Becky O.

During my year and a half working for Combat Cleanerz, I did not love nor hate my job, but what I did love were my employers (Mike Kelly and Elayna Beatty). You’ll look far and wide to find as good or better employers as these two. They always treat you with respect and caring, for you as a person and not just as an employee. A very NON-disgruntled former employee,

- Thom A.